Sunday, April 09, 2006


here we go off to FL! and some randon thoughts

Another crazy week upcoming, thursday I head off to Florida with my baseball team for a week of practice and games nothing like 20 teenagers in a hotel for a week in sunny Ft Pierce Florida.

we are 2-1 in our division and tied for first place, yeah I know it's early but we are sitting good!

The Sillies are making me sick I knew the pitching was suspect from the begining, and they have so far done what I expected.

I am heading down to PNC tuesday night not to see the sillies but to see a college game might be actually better baseball then the sillies are playing. Highlight will be for the crab fries and beer before the game.

President Busch is scaring me there are talks of bombing Iran don't we have enough problems in Iraq and afghanastan right now! So lets start more trouble. I see 3.50 a gallon by June 1st!

I hate the yankees!

Was it me or did the NCAA basketball finals seem anti climatic?

The Masters finals today, I am rooting for Phil or Vejay!! not tigger

May head down to AC tonight to play some POKER hope to fit it in. I need a few hours of relaxation lol

Have a great EASTER if you celebrate it!! see you the 21st

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