Thursday, January 26, 2006


oh those Sillies

The Phillies are really annoying me, I can't belive that they have done nothing this winter. We are 25 days from the catchers and pitchers reporting and the Sillies have done nothing, recently there was a rumor that Brett Michaels was on the trade block. We need pitching!! I also heard the Sillies are looking to maybe sign hometown hero Mike Piazza FOR WHAT? do they realize there is no designated hitter in the national league???? This all comes on the heels that I got my share of season tickets(well dates anyway) I am looking forward to the Red Sox game May 19th. Lets hope they are still in the chase in May.
I saw the Mets were in town for their annual winter caravan and that turn coat Billy Wagner was being all cocky, lets hope he blows the important saves for them like he did against Houston last season.

Phillies don't have a chance this season.

Piazza turned them down. We are truly a pathetic team.

No one wants to pitch for them except other teams washed up has beens. The new GM has a cluster fuck to clean up and he has no idea how to do it.
does not help that CBBP is a bandstand I have a better chance of going balls deep on paris hilton then the sillies pitching staff has keeping balls out of chickies and petes
I couldn't have said it better myself.
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