Monday, January 23, 2006


Surgery...XL...CL.....the Smiths

it's been almost two weeks since my last post. i had surgery on my right shoulder roator cuff and cartlidge repair. After years and years of throwing a baseball it finally caught up with me. I will tell you the first few days after the surgery was mindless pain. the drug of choice(by the DR.) was percocet and it worked I suppose, did not totally clear the pain but took the edge off for sure. Working on the comback hope to be able to throw again by june.

Steelers and Seahawks super bowl XL pretty decent matchup. I just wish the NFL would go back to one week between the finals and he super bowl. I think it makes for a better game.

I have become addicted to Craigs List what a crazy palce for everything you could want or need I just wish the had a search engine for all their sites. That would make things easy to look for.

watch the movie Mr and Mrs Smith and you can tell why Mr Pitt left Ms Aniston. Way too many sexy scenes for Mr Pitt fantasy beacme reality.

Glad that your shoulder is healing with the aid of good drugs.

Are you on Craigs List searching for personal encounters??? Hmmm...naughty boy ;).

BTW, which jersey shore point are you at?
pt pleasant and craigs list persi=onal encounters are good for a few laughs.
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