Monday, January 09, 2006


There is a football god......shoulder it......XM no static at all........station agent

Wellbe the EAGLES fan that I am there could be nothing finer then seeing the pathetic giants lose to the panthers on sunday. I get soo tired of those loud mouth NY giant fans. I know I will here at least they made the playoffs, but i will say yeah, but where you been the last 5 years. go birds!!!!
Go giants and take the jets with you when you leave.

I am about 36 hours away from shoulder surgery, it sucks getting old. The damn right shoulder is shot and with a few stitches in the rotaor cuff I should be as good as new in about 5 months!! I am right handed so this should be interesting for the next few weeks......Ever try to wipe your ass with the other hand?? or even wax the carrott?? my god I need a big breasted dumb girl for the next few weeks!!

juts got my XMradio hooked up yeah I know no howard...was never really a big fan of his. I like some of his stuff but i love baseball on the radio more. You would think that baseball would be on both networks well maybe some day. so it opie and anthony for now!!! and NASCAR. Saturday night they had the 1988 Daytona 500 rebroadcast talk about a boring saturday night!!

Just saw the video station agent cool indy flick with lots of deep undertones but funny go rent it!!

WDaF%$&* see ya when i see ya

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