Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Started physical theapy on Monday what a bitch talk about freaking sore and I have to do this for the next two months. OH JOY!!

How about that northeast snow storm last weekend, gotta love the white stuff once a year. I really think that the TV new stations have nothing else to report and they spend 20 minutes of the evening news showing plows, people out walking in the snow and kids cheering for a day off of school. Boty is that getting old. They could just save one snow storm story and show they same thing every time it snows.

Speaking of news this whole Dick Cheney story is starting to really annoy me. It was an accident and let it be. Yes it bad to get shot, and hunting is certainly a dangerous sport. I guess it is the slow news days(no more snow to report). I my self have been shot not nearly as bad as the lawyer but I did take a pellet in the chest. I saw the guy shoot I was not in his line of fire but I took what they call a flier in the middle of my chest. The pellet went threw a vest and lodged in a down vest, I still had a sweat shirt and a t-shirt on. The mark on my chest was the size of a 50 cent piece.From that day forward I never went hayfield with out a pair of safty glasses. if that pellet had hit me in the face or eye it would have caused some serious damage.

Monday after therapy I headed down to AC to play in another poker tournament at the Hilton. I was sat next to guy who was in his later 60's and he said this was the first time he had played Texas hold'em. I could tell early in the game he pulled a nut flush. His hands were shaking as he picked up his chips to toss. After one hand the guy starts chatting with me like he is all pro. He played dlike a fool most of the evening although he got lucky on several hands he was not a good player. He got another player to fold on a crazy bet. The foldee mucked his cards up to show what he had Mr beginner just mucked his cards with no show. Where is the poker etiquette.!! I don't mind playing with beginners (hell I am One) but along with the rules of the game learn the proper etiquette.

Valentines day was nice had the closetest thign I have to a Valentine(other then Dinger my dog) over for dinner. Made some nice filets on the grill, with asparagus and doubled baked horseradish potatoes. Yum! Dinner was good Dessert was better!!

If there was not a valentine my favorite place to spend valentines day is at the go-go bar. Nothing better then giving dolaars to the girls who I actually think they feel sorry for you on VD day!! One day out of the year they have a bit of pity in their heart for the money bags sitting at the bar!!

Spring training begins!!!!! spring can not be far behind!!!

Another trip to AC and no call. Fucker.

I am headed down to Clearwater for Spring Training. The FwB wants me there, and I need some sun.

BTW, I hate this snow.
well I promise the next time I am Ac bound you get first notice!!!
yeah this snow sucks @ss!

good luck in clearwater have a beer at hooters for me and give the sillies soem luck their gonna need it!!!
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