Wednesday, March 08, 2006


where have i been?

christ it's been almost a month since i have been on here to blogg(what a disgrace) well i went back to work and it's baseball season so my time is very short, throw in PT for the the Freaking shoulder and there you have my day.

made one more trip to AC before going back to work played in 80 player field of no limit hold'em i finished 7th place won some money. played much better then my last two times. i am ahead about 500.00 bucks in hold'em. look out world series.!!!!

although it just started i think this world baseball thing is gonna work , they may change the time frame and re-align things but watching the replays last night, both the players and fans seem to be into the games and thats a good thing. Hell it's baseball!!! nothing wrong with that!!

i hit the the st paddys day parade last weekend, same irish guys wearing skirts blowing bagpipes as last year! did see the New NJ gov marching and shaking hands! Best part of parade day is the madi gra atmosphere. plenty of drinking and beads and girls getting very silly. my favorite stop n parad day is the ELKS hall they put on a great corned beef sandwhich for like 5.00 can it's like a sore dick "you can't beat it"

my reason for the hilton in AC is that it has a nice poker room and I know the manager i get good comps.!! Nothing wrong with the borgota except i never seem to win there. I do love their beds!!!!!!!!!!!

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