Friday, June 23, 2006


Meyers can't beat milwaukee???????????

Philles starting pitcher is arrested for spousal abuse in Boston.
just when you think the sillies can't get any worse.

they can not win at home.

Time to make some trades. I think Booby Abreu should be the first to go. Yes he has numbers but is not the winner the Phillies need I think we can get a good pitcher for him.

Nothing against 70's leftover look alike catcher Sal (Sal's pals). But we need a frist rate catcher with leibby having run his course.

maybe a coaching change ??
we need a kick ass coach not the Mountain man from West Virgina!!!

I thnk we have a core of good players who play hard but we need that catalyst like bowa was or lenny dykstra to push the team.

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