Sunday, January 28, 2007


random thoughts for january

Pitchers and catchers report in less then a month!! imagine that!

Played in a local radio station texas hold 'em tournament yesterday
there were 120 players and it was sort of a speed tournament 8 minute blinds
it was fast and furious. I finished 36th I was very happy the way I played.
I won every had that I that I was in post flop, except two hands and one
of those was a major loss. I did not go on tilt and made my way back to be second in
chips. I ended up going out on with hole cards of AJ unsuited I got called on my all in
with a suited AQ and got knocked out.

Speaking of this poker tournament it was part of a men's expo. there were boats, trucks, tractors, tiki bars,slot car races
free massages, two penthouse playmates and a very talented and good looking pool player named jennifer baretta who took on all comers. There were push up contest, foul shooting contest and my personal favorite a rock paper scissors contest.
All in all it was a good day to be a man.

One week from the super bowl. I have yet to analyze the game yet but i am leaning towards the colts
I was a colts fan as a kid, my dad was a colts fan and so was my mom. Then as i got older i realized i could see eagle
games every week and the colts only when they played the jets. The final nut buster was when the dolts moved to indy
I hated them for that.

saw a great t-shirt yesterday it was a silloutte of a girl swinging on a pole the caption said
"the piper gone but not forgotten" The sand piper was a sleazy summer shore bar that from sept 1 until july 1 it was a sleazy seaside go-go bar. It always amazed me that in the dead winter on a tueday night in january the piper would be packed with guys, girls and dollar bills. while the pizza shop across the street sat empty. It is amazing what go-go girls can do for the economy!!

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