Thursday, March 01, 2007


March Madness

well it's here, for me one of the best times of the year, spring training has started, the NCAA tournament will be kicking off soon. The weather will start to change for the better. All the girls will soon stop wearing bulky sweaters and uggs, which will be replaced with short skirts tight tops. God I love the warm weatherrand chics.

speaking of chics I am playing Texas down in AC last week at the table I was at had two hott chics one was about 26 the other about 40. I started thinking what would the difference be in the sack with them. Who would be the risk taker, would one of them be more aggressive or more dominate? any way somewhere between my head between the younger ones legs and the older one between mine, I got busted on with a set of trays. Lesson number 1 never fantasize while playing poker.

i need a shot of crown and to get laid, till then stay out of trouble

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