Thursday, April 12, 2007



Well gram made it to 99, On March 26 2007 gram passed away. Born in Poland in 1907 she came to america as a three year old girl. She married and raised 4 children 13 grand children and a few great grand kids.
I had a chance to speak at her funeral I talked about all of the the things the gram taught me.

I learned that ginger ale and blackberry brandy are good for what ales you. An old rooster makes the best chicken soup. I learned that there is always a way to make an HONEST buck. I learned (my fav) how to brew coffee with out a filter (cowboy coffee) but most of all I learned that the best gifts in the world are the ones made by the hands of someone who loves you.

Sorry I have been away so long :(.

I am very sorry for your loss. It sounds like Gram was a kick ass lady...the kind I LOVE.

Stop by my blog sometime. I am back...
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