Monday, June 26, 2006


father WDAF to you! Bruuuuuce

Busy weekend I perfromed my first Marriage. I got my certificate back in the day to preform a wedding for a buddy but it never panned out she was see you next tuesday the y ended up gettign divorced.. A few weeks back I told a friend Icould do a marraige, well his sister need to get hooked they called me and between the roast pig and miller lites I preformed my first ceremony. It was so red neck white trash it was funny. the bride and groom wore yankee jerseys. I made 100.00 god that was easy money..

I just got in from the springsteen conecert at PNC art center. What a good show, Iwas impressed wit the 17 piece orchastra and three back up singers. Bruce did the show almost in his back yard the place was sold out both nites. I am sure it's a gamble to stray from your regular stuff. He did an great job the music was upbeat folkish. long time since I have been to a consert where i felt I got my moneys worth..

we shall see if Dave Matthews is up to the trick on wed night at tweeter center@@

Friday, June 23, 2006


Meyers can't beat milwaukee???????????

Philles starting pitcher is arrested for spousal abuse in Boston.
just when you think the sillies can't get any worse.

they can not win at home.

Time to make some trades. I think Booby Abreu should be the first to go. Yes he has numbers but is not the winner the Phillies need I think we can get a good pitcher for him.

Nothing against 70's leftover look alike catcher Sal (Sal's pals). But we need a frist rate catcher with leibby having run his course.

maybe a coaching change ??
we need a kick ass coach not the Mountain man from West Virgina!!!

I thnk we have a core of good players who play hard but we need that catalyst like bowa was or lenny dykstra to push the team.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


back from a busy spring!

Sometimes life is more important then blogs. Between baseball season and the end of school it's been real crazy. The baseball team finsihed 16-9 winning our division(5 straight year with a championship) Yesterday was the last day of school glad to be out of there for a few months.

Love life sucks!! sex life even worse.

Poker playing has been decent win some loose some had a 2nd place finish in a tournamnet at Borgota a few weeks ago there were 86 players.

Will try and play once a week ths summer in AC Maybe I can make it my part time job.

Heading to Vermont next week to fish and hang with the boys on Lake Champlain. Usally head over to the nudies in clarence ontairo and atleast one trip to the Casinos in Montreal, last summer i got thrown out for wearng a hat well being drunk and wearing a hat. Hopefully they won't remember me.

The Sillies are still sucking. I saw them Monday night beat the Yankees. Stood out in the bull pen screaming crap at the yankee relivers and catchers that was fun now horse from all that yelling.

glad to be back!!

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