Friday, April 13, 2007


IMUS goodbye

I was never a big fan of imus, I did listen for abit back in my college days, just never got into him. I don't condoe what he said it was not right, but I think the real problem is society in general, we get our panties in a bunch when somethign like this goes down, however we let our kids listen to the foul mouthed rap songs that talk abouyt gang banging, drugs, ho's and pimps and what ever else is in the life style. Action jackson and sweat suit sharpton should look after their own before they go blaming the white man for all their problems. ok now getting of my soap box.

have a great day or not the choice is yours!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007



Well gram made it to 99, On March 26 2007 gram passed away. Born in Poland in 1907 she came to america as a three year old girl. She married and raised 4 children 13 grand children and a few great grand kids.
I had a chance to speak at her funeral I talked about all of the the things the gram taught me.

I learned that ginger ale and blackberry brandy are good for what ales you. An old rooster makes the best chicken soup. I learned that there is always a way to make an HONEST buck. I learned (my fav) how to brew coffee with out a filter (cowboy coffee) but most of all I learned that the best gifts in the world are the ones made by the hands of someone who loves you.

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