Saturday, January 28, 2006


AC and Down the Rhodes

well finally made my way to Ac to play in the WPT hold'em tournamnet, I played a satellite table and not for very long. It was prety cool until my pair of JJ got beat on a slow play pair of KK. Oh well !! it was pretty cool saw some of the legends of
TV poker made for a nice day. Dinner at Angelos, My favorite restaurant in AC with the best red wine topped things off.

Well the sillies finally pulled off the Arthur Rhodes deal now were talking.

not much else is excitng going on see ya later tater

Thursday, January 26, 2006


oh those Sillies

The Phillies are really annoying me, I can't belive that they have done nothing this winter. We are 25 days from the catchers and pitchers reporting and the Sillies have done nothing, recently there was a rumor that Brett Michaels was on the trade block. We need pitching!! I also heard the Sillies are looking to maybe sign hometown hero Mike Piazza FOR WHAT? do they realize there is no designated hitter in the national league???? This all comes on the heels that I got my share of season tickets(well dates anyway) I am looking forward to the Red Sox game May 19th. Lets hope they are still in the chase in May.
I saw the Mets were in town for their annual winter caravan and that turn coat Billy Wagner was being all cocky, lets hope he blows the important saves for them like he did against Houston last season.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


random thoughts

Not sure I can live with two weeks of super bowl hype. One more assnine comment about some player and how many tickets he gets to the game who da fuck cares.

made it back to the DR yesterday for a shoulder checkup, while sitting in the office i found that he used to be the ortho for the eagles back in the randall and buddy day and the flyboys too. So there is my claim to fame I used the same dr to fix my who fixed cunninghams leg back in the day. How fucking exciting.

not sure i will survive another two weeks in this sling it's such a good look for me and extra 10 inches of padding on my side, I guess i gotta stay in the house don't wanna scare the girls.

just got three complete seasons of "King of the Hill" I am such the red neck in hinding. how many days till the Daytona 500

Monday, January 23, 2006


Surgery...XL...CL.....the Smiths

it's been almost two weeks since my last post. i had surgery on my right shoulder roator cuff and cartlidge repair. After years and years of throwing a baseball it finally caught up with me. I will tell you the first few days after the surgery was mindless pain. the drug of choice(by the DR.) was percocet and it worked I suppose, did not totally clear the pain but took the edge off for sure. Working on the comback hope to be able to throw again by june.

Steelers and Seahawks super bowl XL pretty decent matchup. I just wish the NFL would go back to one week between the finals and he super bowl. I think it makes for a better game.

I have become addicted to Craigs List what a crazy palce for everything you could want or need I just wish the had a search engine for all their sites. That would make things easy to look for.

watch the movie Mr and Mrs Smith and you can tell why Mr Pitt left Ms Aniston. Way too many sexy scenes for Mr Pitt fantasy beacme reality.

Monday, January 09, 2006


There is a football god......shoulder it......XM no static at all........station agent

Wellbe the EAGLES fan that I am there could be nothing finer then seeing the pathetic giants lose to the panthers on sunday. I get soo tired of those loud mouth NY giant fans. I know I will here at least they made the playoffs, but i will say yeah, but where you been the last 5 years. go birds!!!!
Go giants and take the jets with you when you leave.

I am about 36 hours away from shoulder surgery, it sucks getting old. The damn right shoulder is shot and with a few stitches in the rotaor cuff I should be as good as new in about 5 months!! I am right handed so this should be interesting for the next few weeks......Ever try to wipe your ass with the other hand?? or even wax the carrott?? my god I need a big breasted dumb girl for the next few weeks!!

juts got my XMradio hooked up yeah I know no howard...was never really a big fan of his. I like some of his stuff but i love baseball on the radio more. You would think that baseball would be on both networks well maybe some day. so it opie and anthony for now!!! and NASCAR. Saturday night they had the 1988 Daytona 500 rebroadcast talk about a boring saturday night!!

Just saw the video station agent cool indy flick with lots of deep undertones but funny go rent it!!

WDaF%$&* see ya when i see ya

Wednesday, January 04, 2006



There were more hooks in last nights Orange Bowl then at the bait shop. football should do away with kickers they all suck ! they are only as good as their last made field goal. Lets just have punters, and all teams have to go for two (or we can make it one) (we will talk about the rules later)


Pee Yew!!!!!USC

man o man is that Texas defense bringing it or what!!!! matt Lionheart looks miffed!!Speed kills folks just remember you read it here first.Texas "hook 'em horns".

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Football You bet!!

Well another college football season is about to come to a close, the nice part about the holdout weekend this year is that the football games get spread out. With two more games To go I have to say I like Penn state tonight over Florida State and Teaxs wed night over USC.

Cheers to "THE" Ohio Sate University for its win over Notre Dame. God I hate that freaking school too many fans who think they are soooo freaking good. Thats is the 8th straight bowl game that they have lost!!!! The only reason they make bowl games is because of their fan base. I know CW personally and he is a pompus ass, all that nice guy stuff is a front for a wicked wicked man who would sell his on family to be a winner. We'll see you in Hell CW!!!!

congratulation to Rutgers"The New Jersey State University" which is not in the Ivy league. On making it to your first bowl game in 28 years and for doing NJ proud . You played with a lot of heart. Next year you'll have to play with Teel!! Go Scarlet!

What was that play to end the game between michigan and Nebraska looked like a back yard gam and no yellow go figure.

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Things to do this year

Not a resolution but things I need to do this year.
Get to a Red Sox game at fenway
Catch a 30lb striper
paint my house inside
Tell my paper boy to deliver the paper to the side of the house not out front
find some big breasted dumb girl to be my FwB
teach my dog a new trick
plant some grass(in my back yard)
go to every minor league park in NJ for a baseball game
spend more time at Island Beach state park
go to Vegas
win a gosh darn poker tournament at my club (never bet queen and jack off suit)
practice the guitar


I skipped dick last night!!

I figure since the old fart was not there last year and I had to suffer through the evening with who ever replaced him.So why watching the Giants Raiders Game ESPN promo says spend NYE with ESPN in time square. So I skipped dick to watch the UGLY Stuart Scott he has a face for radio. It was a good show good music and top 10 games of the year.(which was on earlier) thus the decision to go to NY City next year for 2007. That's my plan and I am sticking to it.

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